
Healthcare that hears you

A woman's butt with a cell phone in her hand


A new standard of care for women

For decades, women have had no choice but to accept a biased healthcare system that was never designed with them in mind.
Despite all its advancements—or the fact that women account for 70% of medical care  in the US— traditional healthcare has left women feeling dismissed, guilted, and gaslit.


For Tia’s first brand campaign, we used a bit of absurdist humor to highlight the serious disparities that exist within our healthcare system. When juxtaposed with everyday scenarios, one can realize just how ridiculous and unacceptable this treatment is, yet it’s what most women have accepted as the norm from the very people who promised to first, do no harm.

A couple of women sitting next to each other

Crafted a new, more mature, visual identity and voice to align with a broader target

A woman in a black bikini posing for a picture

Uncovered pain points in women’s healthcare

A woman sitting in a chair talking to another woman

Heard and assured — positioning Tia in opposition to medical gaslighting

Plyr embed. This only shows up on the production site.
A tall building with a large advertisement on the side of it
A man and a woman walking down a street
A poster on the side of a building advertising a women's underwear brand
A taxi cab with a sign on top of it

Absurdist humor to highlight a very serious, even dangerous problem

When juxtaposed with everyday scenarios, one can realize just how ridiculous and unacceptable this treatment is, yet it’s what most women have accepted as the norm from the very people who promised to first, do no harm. 

Pulled from personal experiences

With a majority-female team at the helm, our creatives pulled from personal experiences as well as Tia testimonials to ground these scenarios in the universal feeling of being ignored and overlooked.

A picture of a woman's butt with the words, finally, healthcare with
A red and white poster with the words, finally, a doctor's visit

The provocative campaign stoked conversation across social and in the press

A picture of a woman's butt with a message bubble above it


1M impressions

139% increase in sign ups

67% increase in web traffic